Quick Cooking

Lately I am on a quest to find quick vegetarian recipes...

I have realized that eating out-ONLY because I was too tired/lazy/busy to cook sends me on a guilt trip. And I am trying to avoid it...

One of my favorite super quick recipe is "Pulav"...and since I cook it in a pressure cooker, its literally done in 10 mins.

Tha video is by Mallika Basu, who also has this ammzing website

The name sounds like music to my ears....

Random Wrap

These are very quick project, and I HAD to do something, since I have not done something since a long long time..

These were Morton Salt cans, and serving a good purpose now... i.e. d-cluttering...

The plant is pretty much hiding it, but this was a tin-can of ghee which I have wrapped up with a wall paper border. Also the wall paper border remains pretty much resistant to water, which is convenient.

I have wrapped these shoe boxes in this lovely chess paper , actually there are a couple of them, it sits under the TV between the CD player and stores CD's and more CD's ...
